This is Annabelle's Tuesday morning class she loves and my wonderful friend that loves my kids and who teaches the class
- Wes made the dean's list at Dallas Baptist University! I think it's a big deal but not being a learned person I am having a hard time grasping what an accomplishment it is. I do know that it means he has made a 3.75 or higher GPA for some time and held it consistently. The office of the provost invited him to a luncheon and honors ceremony next month. I am so proud! He is so good at math. :-)
- I went to a ladies retreat out church had and learned quite a few things this weekend. I did not rest much as I was in the 'lively cabin' where staying up until 3am was the norm. I think I am just now catching up on sleep. We studied 2nd Corinthians and how Paul used his weaknesses to walk by the spirit and glorify God. It was awesome. I spent it with some absolutely beautiful ladies! I did not take any pictures because I knew it would stress me as soon as I got home into thinking: I have to get them uploaded, then I have to get them printed, then I have to get them put in books. Do you see the OCD churning? I couldn't handle that kind of pressure right now in my life.
- We are moving along on the house thing. It was appraised by the lender yesterday. I hope to see the report today. I have not resigned myself to packing yet for fear of having to unpack them in this same house but I have, however sorted things in my mind as to how those things will get packed. If you know me you understand what I mean. :-)