Thursday, March 8, 2012

Nearly 14 years later...

(This post is a blatant attempt at avoiding the 5 baskets of laundry
waiting to put folded and put away)

The above picture is me almost 14 years ago. I was 7 months pregnant (it was a size 5 for heavens sakes!). I've moved seven times since that picture. I most likely donated it to a thrift store pretty soon after I wore it during one of those moves (within a few years anyway) anticipating that a single mother would never need a formal dress. I've been to only 2 formal events since then but only shopping for a formal dress once. It stands to reason that it would be one-in-a-million to find the exact same dress while shopping for a formal dress yesterday. It was my size and the label said it came from the store that I bought it at the Parks Mall originally - Agaci. I wish I were creative enough to write a story about it's life until now.

It's a wee bit tight (4 babies ago!) but I still love it. I hope it is not out of style (was it ever in?) because I plan to wear it soon.