Friday, May 20, 2011


(a view from Lucy's spot)

When I joined a MOPS group last year, I really thought it would give me a chance to meet other moms not involved in my church and also give us something to do and be a little fluffy on Fridays. We were in the middle of moving and The Other One was not talking much so I had my hands full with frustration. The idea of trying to fight the insurance to find a speech therapist and go through all the trouble of phone calls and doctors referrals made me want to scream. A friend whom I attended MOPS with mentioned there is someone who is involved in the group who used to work for a speech therapy company. I finally got her number and made the call. She put me through to the right person. They told me that the company has a brand new therapist who just moved here and is looking to work in my area with younger kids (later I found out that it is an incredibly under-served area for speech therapy). Once I had my paperwork submitted, the company did it all! They called my doctor for a referral, they pushed my paperwork through the insurance, they made all the calls. My only chores were to take The Other One for a hearing test which was actually quite fun for us and open the door and sit with the therapist when she came to visit. Miss Lucy was wonderful from the very beginning. She brought his favorite toys (motorcycles and trucks) and quickly learned that to get him to respond, she needed things that crash and bang. He loved every minute. She was in my house sometimes up to 6 times a week, she saw us through sickness, messes, holidays, waking up late in jammies (oops), she saw us on our best days and on our hardest days. She told me she prays for her kids often. I believe it. Miss Lucy and The Other One had a special bond. But Miss Lucy had to move. Many tears were shed on my behalf (and she told me on hers, too). Miss Lucy was not just a speech language pathologist. She was a dear friend to me for the past year. I am very thankful that the Lord saw fit to have her for this one year, knowing full well that it was the year we needed her. They did not replace Lucy, though even if they had, we didn't need her anymore because she helped us so much! I don't blame them for not replacing her, nothing could've measured up -in our eyes.
(The Other One and his Miss Lucy)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Parenting - input wanted

Moms: I've been pondering different types of parenting of newborns. If you are an attachment parent, baby wearer, co-sleeper (or any other type of parent), tell me what you do and the reason you do it. No judgements here, I promise. :-) I love to see your comments!!

Side note - Look how big my 'babies' are getting.