Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hannah's Needs

I have the priveledge of helping host a shower for a dear friend who is adopting a sweet little girl from China:

Her needs are listed below as per the invitation sent:

· Changing pad cover – pink

· Crib sheet – pink

· Clothes –

o play clothes size 12-18mo or 18mo summer

o Play clothes size 18mo or 18-24mo winter

o Pajamas summer size 18mo

o Footed winter pajamas size 18-24mo

o Winter coat size 18-24mo

· Girly Toys

· Asian baby doll (age appropriate for 1-2 year old – example – FAO Schwarz 14 inch Classic Baby Doll - Baby Avery at

· Diapers size 3

· Bath toys

· Little girls purse or small backpack

· Things to entertain an 18mo old on plane to put in purse or small backpack

· Hair clips & bows (she doesn't really care for huge bows – she prefers smaller ones)

· White bookshelves – 2, I need small ones – approximately 3 feet tall.

· Girly picture books (all of ours are about trucks & sports!)

· Hooded towels – large ones (not for infants)

· Bibs – both plastic for eating and cloth for drool

· Socks

Target Gift Cards

*Her theme is owls and birds and her colors are pink and yellow*

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Nearly 14 years later...

(This post is a blatant attempt at avoiding the 5 baskets of laundry
waiting to put folded and put away)

The above picture is me almost 14 years ago. I was 7 months pregnant (it was a size 5 for heavens sakes!). I've moved seven times since that picture. I most likely donated it to a thrift store pretty soon after I wore it during one of those moves (within a few years anyway) anticipating that a single mother would never need a formal dress. I've been to only 2 formal events since then but only shopping for a formal dress once. It stands to reason that it would be one-in-a-million to find the exact same dress while shopping for a formal dress yesterday. It was my size and the label said it came from the store that I bought it at the Parks Mall originally - Agaci. I wish I were creative enough to write a story about it's life until now.

It's a wee bit tight (4 babies ago!) but I still love it. I hope it is not out of style (was it ever in?) because I plan to wear it soon.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blessings through Generations

(Ready for the Daddy Daughter Dessert Night)

Exodus Chapter 34 says 'Now the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord. And the Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.”

What sins have passed down through your generations? For me it is depression (read: selfishness). I've always struggled. It is so easy for me to throw a little pity party for myself. It is just the way I have always been (why do I have to be - I can change that, right?). I was reminded by our small group leader that even while the sins can be passed through generations, prayers and blessing reverberate even more so throughout eternity. Wow. Let that sink in. I've never been challenged to pray for my kids. I'm always so worried about me. I'm worried about my 3 year old messing his pants every day, I'm worried about my teenager - hoping she's not turning out like me, I'm worried about my grade-schooler and how she will do in school. I'm worried about the baby and how he does in this wild family. I never thought to pray for my kids' spouses or even their children. That's been a challenge. What a great way to get the focus off myself.

Psalm 103:17 But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children.

What did you learn?