Monday, November 2, 2009

First Day

Well, we started home schooling today. Annabelle did her work and Will was very happy scribbling in my lap while Abby picked up her room then Abby started on hers. She did a lot of math today but I realized something that might hinder us a bit. She doesn't know all of her times tables. Yup, that's right. Somehow she received commended performance on her TAKS math portion for several years without knowing her times tables. I drew her out a table and had her fill in the numbers. This will be her only "calculator" for quite some time. She went outside and found 4 types of leaves per her science book, but otherwise, we just kind of did house work after the crazy Trunk or Treat weekend. I bought a book at Sams Club for her to go through while I am looking for more stuff to do. Tomorrow she'll be in the home school room at church while I go to Bible Study. Wish us luck! We had a few snags today, it can only get better, right?

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