Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I haven't taken much time to blog lately. Maybe it's the preoccupation of waiting on a baby. Maybe it's the crazy wrapping-up-the-work-stuff-before-maternity-leave and starting-a-mothers-day-out-from-scratch thing. Either way, here is something I've been doing, at home at least.

For one reason or another, my husband has earned the nickname "Machete" at work and I've been on this freezer paper stencil kick lately. I don't normally do crafts but I guess the nesting has kicked in and I had been wanting to do some things with the girls before my life is all-consumed with infant care. He's been bragging that I was going to make him a t-shirt with his nickname. I guess he was thinking plain old frumpty t-shirt but I'm a bit of a shirt snob to do that. He was so surprised when he came home and saw it! I thought this turned out nice - don't ya think??



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Andrew and I go to pawn shops a LOT looking for cheap stuff we need. Last weekend we found a machete holder that strapped onto a belt... it looked like all handmade leather. Fantastic. I almost got it for Him, haha. If pictures were allowed, I would've sent you one.
