When we were house searching, we found a house we loved that had the numbers 624. It had a nice ring to it, we were under contract and we really wanted this home. A few things fell through, some hearts were broken and we were not able to buy at that particular time. A year or so later, we found ourselves looking again. We found a nice little home with the numbers 824. Although, I really liked that one, there was something *just barely* off. I wasn't sure what it was and I couldn't quite explain to the realtor why I didn't want that particular one (boy was she frustrated with me!). Though, I knew it was so, very close to what we wanted. We finally found one just the very next street over. It had the same numbers - 824. I knew it was exactly the right one.
I tell that story because we've been on somewhat of a pinpointing-where-we-need-to-be-journey over the past year and a half or so.
I recently read a book called Wait No More: One Family's Amazing Adoption Story. I received it from here. I am a fan on Facebook and they asked people who were bloggers to read this book and do a little review. The story is about a couple and their not so perfect journey to adopting 4 children. The author is very bleeding heart and blunt about the trials she had. The struggles, the pain, the frustration and anxiety were very difficult for her and she is very honest to share them. So often, when we see or hear of adoptive families, a sunshine rosy picture is painted of how lovely adoption is. I understand it very much can be, but it is a process - sometimes an ugly process to begin with. Before I read this book, the Lord had already placed on our hearts a desire to be involved with foster/waiting to adopt children (that's part of the reason I chose to respond to the invitation to blog this book). That's really a scary thing to be placed on your heart. I had been shoving it out of my mind and wondering exactly how it would actually work with an already full-to-the-brim house - not to mention how it would affect my husband and children. This has been going on for several years. I just couldn't see this happening when I speak so harshly to my own children a lot of the time (I am working on it) and keeping a job and all the tasks I have on my hands. After reading this book, it really helped me to consider what my role in helping would be. I have a friend who does some filing and office work at a nearby children's home. I asked her if I could volunteer but she told me there just wasn't an opportunity. I felt pretty discouraged. I figured if I waited around, the Lord would show us His timing and plans and we could pinpoint that perfect place we needed to be.
Stay Tuned
There is respite care that is needed. That would be a small way to help, and I know there is always a need. I hope you find a way to answer the call, what a wonderful thing to have on your heart.